Archive for January, 2012


Response to a challenge to write a ‘Fibonacci’ Poem !





of Jesus

concerns the lilies

which do not fret or toil like us




of us

is wearing

such wondrous beauty

as those flowers in the meadow


Floral Tribute

Open Sesame !!

The door of another year swings open widely before us, with all the opportunities that affords: to serve, to share and care, to make a difference, to develop character and gift, to achieve our aspirations, and so on …

After a momentous 2011 when, in terms of world affairs (e.g. Egypt & Libya)  national, local and personal matters, the implications of significant changes are still being worked out, I guess many of us will be on tenterhooks, wondering what 2012 holds in store.

I came across this fascinating little story, which it’s appropriate to share at this time. A paediatric nurse, before listening to her little ones’ chests, used to plug her stethoscope into their ears to let them listen to their heartbeat. Their eyes always lit up with amazement.  But she never quite got a response to equal that of David, aged 4. He looked puzzled initially, as he listened to the strange tap-tap-tapping deep inside his chest, then his face broke out in a huge grin: “Is it Jesus knocking?”

This famous picture by William Holman Hunt entitled, The Light of the World, shows  the figure of Jesus knocking at a long, unopened door – the human heart.

It illustrates a Bible verse: “Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me”.

According to Hunt: “I painted the picture with what I thought to be a divine command, and not simply as a good subject.” The door in the painting has no handle, and can only be opened from the inside, representing “the obstinately shut mind”.

The start of 2012 is an opportune time for us to ensure that we open our heart and life afresh to Jesus. The promise remains of His presence in our future, whatever challenges and opportunities that future may bring our way …

So, today, let’s hear Him knocking, remembering:  I’m the only one who can open my door to welcome Him in.

In conclusion, here’s my wish for you and yours this New Year:

May the Lord send his blessing on you and keep you

May the light of the Lord’s face be shining on you in grace:

May the Lord’s approval be resting on you and may he give you peace

(Numbers 6:24-26 – cited from the 1965 Bible in Basic English)

