A Trilogy





Sublime fiat sovereignly ordains

galaxies to manifest from nought,

directed by invisible hand,

symphonically arranged.

Creative genius breathes

across emptiness, exhaling

myriad universes, appearing

in spectacular array


And here within full panorama

of brilliant cosmic design

arises, as if on centre stage

in spotlight, and heralded by

a fanfare of rich celestial melodies,

that tiny globe we claim as home,

richly  textured with the

intricate tapestries of life


Crowning glory – pinnacle,

Homo sapiens, bearing

image of the Maker,

And drawing forth

glowing pronouncement:

“Very Good” – no portent here

of approaching calamity

in original paradise




Yet storm clouds gather,

prince of darkness

uncoils his ruthless strategy

to sabotage creation’s bliss.

Seductive voice burns into heart

challenging: “Has God said ?”

contradicting: “You shall not die !”


Mesmerised, tantalised

wily tempter weaves

his beguiling charms

on innocent’s psyche.

desires overwhelming

new emotions stirring

reasonings controlling,

’til battered will succumbs


Relationship’s ruination

a wilful disobedience,

in hiding – shame-filled

finger-pointing accusation

shifting blame away from self

symptoms of guilt ridden-ness,

and profound shift  of nature


All creation groaning

beneath the weight

of homo sapiens’

dreadful, deadly fall

all waiting for the

promised restoration




Foreknown, that sorry plight

worlds affected by the fall,

master-plan unfolding restoration.

Oracle speaks prophetically,

of woman’s seed, of chosen race,

of royal line, of messianic hope

awakening anticipation of

brand new dispensation


And right on cue, fulness of time

only-begotten Son

arrives, as if on centre-stage

spotlighted, heralded by

same angelic choristers which

celebrated creation’s dawn

announcing with clear voices –

“To you a Saviour born”


Lion-Lamb, Second Man

tabernacles with humanity

God in flesh, through Virgin Birth

sharing woe, feeling pain –

life laid down, atonement made.

Bruising serpent’s head; binding man’s strong foe;

bursting prison gates; breaking captives free;

birthing glorious redemption.