Archive for October, 2013

A Lightweight Laments

I wrote this piece after several agonizing months, during which I arrived at a momentous decision – to quit church leadership (after 37 years). The factors involved in that decision were numerous, but the over-riding sense was I needed to ‘survive’, even if that meant leaving behind a clear call and the life-style connected with that call. I knew that many would never understand, including family members and close colleagues, but the strain of continuing was far more than I could cope with, and more than I had grace for !

I am still alive, experiencing MERCY every day, and have found trust in God and His people graciously restored. For those who pass through similar dark valleys, I can only express deep sympathy, and pray that you, too will experience the “SHOOB” of the GOOD SHEPHERD (*** see endnote)

So, 7 years on, I have re-visited & re-worked the piece.


Life-changing choice moons ago

thrusts on unfamiliar course

Emptied out, sabotaged dreams,

long-term associates fast withdrawn

Performance ineffective, all endorsement gone,

any vision of change eviscerated.

Integrity in tatters brings

final straw to break this camel’s back


Distress: confided to trusted friends,

Disquiets raised, deep forebodings.

Daily desperation to survive,

self-preservation instinct: escape such

high-demanding, unsustainable lifestyle.

Faulty character, limited resources

priorities consciously shifting away

from a yearning to fulfil divine intent


Veering onto unknown trajectory,

plan “A” abandoned, plan “B” not countenanced

Humanness intact, at such high price

attesting to deep, deep flaws within.

Immersed in legitimate pursuits

yet bereft of confidence and purpose

Haunted at unsuspecting moments by a

cascading sadness – well-laid bandit’s ambush


Knowing no circuitous route remains,

through desert wanderings, resigned,

waiting unknown aftermath of decision:

repercussions, temporal and eternal.

Thrown upon unfailing grace,

knowing he will meet face to face,

resorts to offer simple, heartfelt prayer

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.”


What will history record henceforth?

“Failure” some may say – a trifle harsh !

More accurately “Lightweight”: hauling

load unbearable, mission impossible

falling exhausted, steam-less, far from goal.

Peradventure this tale has educed in you

a negative response, do spare a thought

utter a prayer, and let compassion reign


(***) SHOOB is the HEBREW word translated “HE RESTORES” in Psalm 23:3

Fretful Spirit

Profile of a vicious human malaise


Tenaciously I go about my dastardly mission,

its purpose to torment unsuspecting souls

With subterfuge, distortions of reality,

and even outright, unveiled deception.

I lodge in crevices of the mind,  initiating

febrile activity in over-wrought brains

My victims encased in Bastille-like prisons.


My vice-like grip, plain for all to see

in trembling hands, tortured eyes,

in visage deeply etched with misery,

heard too, from incoherent lips.

No earthly, natural remedy exists

relieving those I terrorize —  save for

the kiss and garrison of Prince’s peace


Ethereal Glow

Captured this morning …

Mist over meadow

pink, ethereal glow.

Sun’s regal entrance

Heralded below


Hebrew Blessings