Archive for December, 2010

Aspiration Haiku

Longing to reach higher…

Climbing every step

Reaching for the highest prize

Hear His voice: “Well Done”


Behind striking avatar

find me – unique person

of real flesh and blood.

Strange amalgam of

hopes & dreams

joys and sorrows

success and failure.

Consciously hiding away,

desperately concealing

inadequacy and vulnerability.


Preferring to be seen

as I may prefer to be,

rather than complex

mixture that I’ve become…

For would that make me

more endearing ? perhaps

more acceptable ? maybe

With such uncertainty within

I resolve not to show ‘real’ me

but will remain for now


Completely wrapped

in that other world

of make believe,

unprepared to face up,

yet longing for

I know not what…

Perhaps an escape plan

to change my world

and launch me into

instant utopia

Dancing In Light

Arrived !

Written in June 2010 for the funeral of my father-in-law, Philip Davis (88yrs)

The journey has been long,

so tough in later years.

Yet you kept pressing on –

through ups, downs, joys and tears


Bravely you have served

so generously giving

nothing was held back

selflessly living


Dignity shone through

’til the very end

With faith intact, hope undimmed

and Jesus, your best friend


Your race has been well run

the course is now complete

and finally you rest

content at Father’s feet


A worthy focus for 2011