Archive for February, 2012


A response to a court ruling (10/2/2012) which jeopardizes the offering of prayers before local Council meetings in the UK….

Dictionary: “Alarum” (now archaic except of a warning mechanism or sound)


As sleight of hand

and subterfuge combined

with misuse, manipulation

and misinterpretation of our law,

overturning centuries of tradition,

undermining democratic decision

alarm bells peeled

dissonantly, raucously

screaming out:  “Be alert !

Be very alert !”


Maybe they’ll remove the prayers,

but they won’t remove the pray-ers,

perhaps they’ll silence the song,

but they won’t silence the singers


Wintry Stealth

Winter broke in quietly

like a thief overnight

icy fingers painting

snow-white blanket

turning my world



Pingley Haiku

The view from my rear garden in the spring.

Verdant meadow lush

Pasture-land all resplendent

Shepherding delight


A few months back I posted my first installment of “An Idiot’s Progress”. If you missed it you can catch up at the following link:

Now it’s time for an update on the strenuous effort being exerted to prepare for the Hadrian’s Wall challenge, due to start on Monday 11th June and conclude on Saturday 16th June – six days of focussed walking, with the aim of raising finance for orphans under the care of Fresh Hope Ministries working in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

So, what an amazing few months it’s been. Here are some statistics:

480 miles – representing some 135 hours walking – that’s equivalent to more than 5 days !!  And for the record the weight reduced by 7 pounds to a more comfortable 14st 4lb (that’s not bad to say the period includes a 6oth Birthday celebration, Christmas & the New Year festivities – in the space of 2-3 weeks)

The winter has been very kind to walkers in this area  so far, and on a few occasions I’ve been able to take my camera and take photos of some of the splendid Lincolnshire countryside – within a few miles of  where I live.  Below are a few examples during just one of my most recent walks on a frosty, but sunny morning:

The experience so far has been most exhilarating … walking has so many benefits additional to the physical. There’s been poetic inspiration, enlargement in prayer, contemplation of Scripture, even sermon preparation, and pondering some tricky Council business, alongside many other pleasing mental and spiritual exercises.

I’ve occasionally been accompanied by my wife, Sue, and a couple of times by my indefatigable walking companion, John Games. Indeed, our most recent time together was a 17 mile ‘marathon’, punctuated by a wonderful carvery lunch at the Black Horse pub in Wrawby. Our interactions are fun & edifying, enhancing relationships on each occasion.

Now with less than six months to go there is still a lot of mileage & footwork to be done, and much preparation required. In the next few days I’ll complete booking our accommodation for the 5 nights away (B & B), then I’m tasked with creating & getting out sponsorship forms (one outlet will be a web presence at and, of course, ensuring that I have the right clothing, foot-ware and equipment for what I’m calling “The Walk For Hope”.

Here’s a plan of the ground we’ll be covering:

Now, as my personal excitement mounts I’d love to enlist your support, and would be most grateful if you will consider sponsoring me on this challenge, by making a donation towards the fantastic work being done by Fresh Hope … a donation directly through their website is possible at:

If you go this route. please mark your gift: “The Walk For Hope” – and I’d appreciate if you’d also be so kind as to drop me an e-mail advising me that you have done so, to:

Thanks … it is greatly appreciated, at this early stage, that £55 has already been donated – a huge THANKS to those concerned.